Crafting Gentleness

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hiatusinging Christmas songs

I'm slowly getting there. The unpacking is both therapeutic and frustrating. It's nice to be in place, to place in place, to settle, to lovingly craft a space. It's not so nice not knowing where stuff is, like the potato knife that Mum and Dad packed away somewhere, but it'll turn up.

Joni Mitchell's 'River' on the radio, maybe one of my favourite Christmas songs.

Smaller bookcases are cheaper in the long run, I think, although building big ones with bricks and planks is fun too :)

I'm looking forward to getting this place sorted at least to the point where I can assume a domestic rhythm that allows for regular reading and writing. I'll be moving the TV upstairs later this evening to clear the sitting room of unnecessary distractions and to stop feeding my ability to watch absolutely anything as an alternative to doing anything else.


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