Crafting Gentleness

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sometimes I forget gentleness is possible.

Sometimes I forget gentleness is possible.

Sometimes I forget
I don’t have to
do what I want
say what I want
get what I want
achieve what I want
eat what I want
buy what I want
live where I want
have what I want ...

Sometimes I forget
there are times when
I’m not sure what I want,
even as I want it.

Sometimes I forget
what I want
may not be what I want
but what other people want me to want
and I never noticed that I was
thinking their think
speaking their speak
doing their do

Sometimes I forget
if what I want isn't here
then being here isn't what I want
and I'm only ever going to be here.

Sometimes I forget
what I want
May not be helpful

Sometimes I forget
what I want may be
planted by the fixer
nourished by the escapee
grown in the soil of fear
boiling with anger
marinated in prejudice
dripping with desire
seasoned with selfishness

Sometimes I forget
I often want many things
And they may not be
going in the same direction
humming the same tune
walking the same path
digging the same hole
singing from the same hymn-sheet
ploughing the same furrow
flying in formation.
And that's okay.

Sometimes I forget
what I want
may be wanting.

Be careful what I wish for.
It might just happen, and
then I’ll have to
live with the consequences.


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