Crafting Gentleness

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Gentle Teaching

One thing that's really great about web-surfing is that I sometimes come across people doing work that just makes my heart warm, and lets me know that there are plenty of people out there doing work that daily reaffirms the power of gentleness in living invitation.

Such is the case with Gentle Teaching International. To paraphrase from a Gentle Teaching companion resources site, this organisation and the concept of gentle teaching is based on the writing and work of John J. McGee. It's a nonviolent and non-aversive approach to caregiving that works to create feelings of safety and love in the context of a community of true companionship and interdependence. John McGee's work has been most often applied in settings where caregivers work with people with mental illness, developmental disabilities, illnesses associated with aging, and with people in the criminal justice system.

Yay!! :))

They have a conference in Ghent (Belgium) in September that I hope I can attend for a day or two.


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