Crafting Gentleness

Monday, August 21, 2006

Crafting gentleness ...

Hi Shelley, and welcome aboard! :)

The crafting part of it is very much for me a way to talk about that way in which we always-already make a difference, that in 'crafting' we cannot helpfully but participate, listen, and respond to how we are doing what we are doing. Importantly, for me, a key value in 'crafting' is this idea of helpfulness (instead of the more static 'right' or 'wrong') - if it's not working it's not working, so try to work out a more helpful way of doing it (often one that many people have worked out before and the wisdom is there if you look ...). I turn to Dr Phil for his 'how is that working for ya?' at many times ;) Also 'crafting' is so much about attitude, and holding space. I love that.

I'll be posting some of the things I find in the books I've been reading on craft and crafting as I go, and always happy to hear about what others find! :)


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