Crafting Gentleness

Tuesday, January 20, 2009



To be honest, I really don't mind when technology takes a back seat to real life. What seems like silence on this blog is anything but silence in my everyday life. Life has been good for me in the last few weeks, and also sad. 

The violence in Gaza has been horrific, and the cold, lame rhetoric that has been used to justify slaughter has been despicable, heinous, and mechanical, in ways that cannot but remind me of other rhetorics and slaughters throughout our histories. And some of them not so far from Israeli imaginaries. 

While the killing continued in Gaza, there were small, hidden reports in the media of the continuing tragedies within the Congo:

Or the death toll of 'civilians' in Iraq, which is reaching the 1,00,000 mark.

People die every day. Violence of various sorts continues to be generated and perpetuated within our lives. What are we doing about it? To what extent do we even understand it?


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