Crafting Gentleness

Thursday, January 24, 2008

a more generous conjuring

"... words have unbridled power to shape or determine our perceptions of others and ourselves, unless we intervene and re-use language to our purpose. Which means of course that we then need to find out what our purpose is. Also that generalized categories often produce a kind of 'blanket constriction', pinning the subject within that category; a form of imprisonment. As soon as we question and unravel what lies within such generalizations, we produce particular examples, make comparisons, suppose the situation were like this. Then we unlock and permit to have its play the saving, redeeming power of language in its quality of discrimination, exactitude and compassionate sifting of elements into a broader and more generous conjuring."

Nicki Jackowska, Write For Life (1997/2003), p. xix

(Thanks Dougald)


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